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segunda-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2014

Mike Wesch

Conjunto de posts contendo os comentários-síntese (em inglês) no website do autor []


(1) The technologies are developing at a great speed and the time of people is changing too (time to eat, time to see tv, time to read, time to work, time to see the email, time to listen music, time to see the facebook, time in the school, time in the phone, etc). We must think about this. The students have a short time for all activities and the teaching must to adapt at this changing. ( by Ana V.; Carlos S.; Nelson S. & Sérgio S. - - students of e-learning master - Open University)

(2) Currently, the students have new learning experiences through the Internet, there are new several experiences. It is expected that all person can collaborate and take the better of internet to them. ( by Ana V.; Carlos S.; Nelson S. & Sérgio S. - - students of e-learning master - Open University)

(3) Free and universal access to education is the only way to reduce the consumption of resources in a society increasingly determined by the choices of the past.Small gestures can sometimes have a big impact and make a difference. Quoting Neil Armstrong: "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind." ( by Ana V.; Carlos S.; Nelson S. & Sérgio S. - - students of e-learning master - Open University)


(1) Some students have no money for their needs in the school. A lot of them need to work. The school have to help them and technology can help the school, in teaching learning. Why don't the school uses the technology to help their students? ( by Ana V.; Carlos S.; Nelson S. & Sérgio S. - - students of e-learning master - Open University)

(2) Although many students have no money, the governments must help them. All the student should be supported in the public school and to have acess to education. The new educational resources may be the really pedagogical context to the teaching and learning. For example the open educational resources (OER). ( by Ana V.; Carlos S.; Nelson S. & Sérgio S. - - students of e-learning master - Open University)

(3) Time is a critical factor in a society submerged by constant technological advances. With a simple phone number or an email we can locate anyone on the web. Through applications like Twitter, Vibe, Whatsapp, or social networks like Facebook or Myspace we are able to get in touch or follow someone. They may not be able to see us, but they can’t hide. Despite being connected and visible, do we really know each other and really have perception of what surrounds us? ( by Ana V.; Carlos S.; Nelson S. & Sérgio S. - - students of e-learning master - Open University)


(1)The society is changing and the tecnology are developing. Now we have a lot of varieties of techonological tools and the people are looking themself. “Youtube” can help us. With this tool we can show all we are feeling. We can say everything to all people. Everything in our private space to public. ( by Ana V.; Carlos S.; Nelson S. & Sérgio S. - - students of e-learning master - Open University)

(2)The technological tools are changing. We must follow the pace of new network society. With Youtube we can share films, stories, testimonies, video lessons, songs , and so on. A lot of several options that we can teaching and learning . ( by Ana V.; Carlos S.; Nelson S. & Sérgio S. - - students of e-learning master - Open University)

(3)Human curiosity is innate in us. Youtube came to take advantage of it allowing us to share our myself and endless junk, however as curiosity is innate, the need for trust is too. As in real life we should have a careful attitude and not accept everything as true and credible just because it's online. ( by Ana V.; Carlos S.; Nelson S. & Sérgio S. - - students of e-learning master - Open University)

(4) Cooperative learning is an important approach to enrich the learning of students, it helps them became more actives and learn skills for resolving conflicts. However, the internet allows a virtual interaction between them and the construction of interpersonal relationships and the academic knowledge. So, a new virtual space, cyberculture, that the internet allowed, and where all the students can use it for acess to knowledge. This new virtual space can to provide the motivation and ties between them. ( by Ana V.; Carlos S.; Nelson S. & Sérgio S. - - students of e-learning master - Open University)

(5) The technologies is giving us new opportunities to learn more flexibility. We can learn in different spaces and differents times. We can organize our private lives and our studies. Nonetheless, the many high schools are not using the new technologies and they don't give new opportunities to students to learning in other way. Nevertheless, we are seeing that we have economic and social asymmetries between the countries. The less developed countries have more resistance to using the technologies and it's don't give new opportunities to develop. The countries have to change their policies. They have to invest and promote the technology in education. We need to grow up our economies and the new opportunities to learn. The technologies is more inclusive and flexible. ( by Ana V.; Carlos S.; Nelson S. & Sérgio S. - - students of e-learning master - Open University)


(1) With the hipertext we can acess in other virtual space more easily. It can help us in the school because we don't spend much time to looking for the information. For example, if we use only the books we spend much time than the hipertext. The hipertext is more easy and amusing. ( by Ana V.; Carlos S.; Nelson S. & Sérgio S. - - students of e-learning master - Open University)

(2) The virtual context is a new reality. The messages appearing in all the digital context. It's all linked each other. In the e-learning, the students have many options to learn. ( by Ana V.; Carlos S.; Nelson S. & Sérgio S. - - students of e-learning master - Open University)

(3) The internet has come to play an important role in our socialization although we have not noticed. ( by Ana V.; Carlos S.; Nelson S. & Sérgio S. - - students of e-learning master - Open University)

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